Hello! I'm Chris Janda, founder of Inspire DSM LLC. My journey in the insurance industry began in July 2014, fueled by a passion for providing peace of mind and security to individuals and families. With years of experience, I've dedicated myself to delivering personalized insurance solutions and exceptional service to our clients.


Family Values: Beyond the office, my heart belongs to my beautiful family. Alongside my wonderful wife, Samantha, and our twin boys, Liam and Silas, our household is complete with two furry friends: Dug, our lovable Bernedoodle, and Oliver, our playful Goldendoodle. They bring endless joy and laughter to our home, reminding us of the importance of cherishing every moment together.


Shared Adventures: When we're not busy with work or family time, you'll often find us exploring the great outdoors. Whether it's camping under the stars, canoeing along serene waters, or backpacking through scenic trails, we cherish these moments of adventure and connection with nature.


Our Commitment to You: At Inspire DSM LLC, we understand that life is unpredictable. That's why we're committed to offering more than just insurance – we're here to provide peace of mind and support when you need it most. From protecting your home and vehicles to safeguarding your loved ones' future, we're dedicated to helping you navigate life's journey with confidence and assurance.


Let's Connect: Ready to embark on your insurance journey? Reach out to our team today to discover how we can tailor insurance solutions to fit your unique needs and aspirations. We're here to inspire confidence, security, and peace of mind in every aspect of your life.


Thank you for considering Inspire DSM LLC. We look forward to serving you and becoming your trusted partner in protection.